When navigating to Shipping Mgr > Combine Shipping Methods the navigation bar and footer are visible but the rest of the screen is blank.
This can occur when a shipping method has recently been removed from the Magento installation.
This solution assumes some working knowledge of SQL.
Dropship and Ship Manager look for shipping methods in the core_config_data table in the database. The uninstalled extension will need to be removed from this table.
Please note: When changing any aspect of the database we recommend backing up first as a precaution.
This article is using Premium Rates as an example.
First ensure that the expected carrier is returned with a select:
select * from core_config_data where path like '%premiumrate%'
Next, remove the contents from the table:
delete from core_config_data where path like '%premiumrate%'
To tidy up, also check the contents of the core_resource table:
select * from core_resource where code like '%premiumrate%'
Followed by:
delete from core_resource where code = 'premiumrate_setup'