General TroubleShooting Guide

In most cases installation and configuration of our extensions is a seamless process that can be completed by the individual with little effort. There are however ocassions when people encounter difficulties.

There are 4 main reasons for this:

  1. Incorrect Installation
  2. Serial Keys not Entered
  3. Incorrect Configuration – Please review the Configuration section of this Knowledge Base
  4. Extension Conflict with other code on the site

Please check your installation, serial keys, configuration and for conflicts. Then review the common configuration issues seen below.

If you are still having issues then please use the WebShopApps Logger which will provide diagnostic information to help you isolate the issue.

Common Issues Seen

Problem Resolution
Unable to see shipping rates Invalid credentials
Unable to save Product listing Indexes need refreshing
Missing expected attributes e.g. shipping group from attributes pane Attribute sets not setup correctly
No Shipping Tab in Product Listing Attribute sets not setup correctly
Unable to upload CSV – Base Table or View Not Found SQL has not run successfully or you are missing code
Shipping Tab not showing SQL has not run successfully or you are missing code
Extension not showing in admin panel Either incorrectly installed or cache not refreshed
Call to a member function toOptionArray() on a non-object You have not recompiled
Blank screen when navigating in admin You have not recompiled
White screen;half page showing Extension conflict
Unknown Column ‘e.Some Attribute in Field List’ Indexes need refreshing
Invalid Model for Shipping Method: <carrier name> Known magento bug when uninstalling doesnt clear out all db fields
Invoice being cut off half way down  Known magento bug when uninstalling doesnt clear out all db fields
Free Shipping Promotions not working Free shipping incorrectly setup



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