Rule Explanation
- Cart
- Shipping Group
- All items not in a shipping group
In general terms the filtering is done based on the shipping group specified. So if you have the shipping group set to a particular set of products e.g. BEDS then the weight rule applies to the total weight of those beds.
If you use * in the shipping group then depending on how you configure the store wide rules this will either be the total weight of cart or total weight of all items not in a shipping group.
Please see the use of the * shipping group in Product Matrix and Shipping Override for more information.
The extension is agnostic to the unit of measurement. So if you set your products up to use lbs then it will use lbs, if you set up to use grammes it will use grammes. Its just looking at numerical ranges.
When using shipping groups, by default, the weight is used per shipping group. So, two 2.5lb BIKES products and four 0.5lb BOOKS products will match on 5lb in the BIKES rules and 2lb in the BOOKS rules. To filter on the total weight of 7lb the option to filter on subtotal price/weight must be selected.
By default use * in these fields to capture all carts.
Note: In Matrixrate you cannot use *, a weight value must be specified e.g. weight from 0 weight to 10000.00
In most of the paid extensions the following ranges are used:
You may have the following types of rules: An incremental price per weight increment can be specified using the w= algorithm in Product Matrix and Premium Rates. Note that the weight increment is taken from the “weight from” column. For example, if the “weight >=” column in Premium Rates has been defined as 10 then the w= algorithm will start from a weight of 10 (so, w=1@0.5 will add 0.5 for a weight greater than 10). The extension also supports filtering the weight based on: These are managed via the totalling algorithms. Most of our customers do not need these additional rules.
MatrixRate & PremiumRate
weight >=,weight<=
weight >=100,weight <=200
Weight is between 100lb and 200lb inclusive
All other extensions
weight >,weight<=
weight >=100;\,weight <=200
Weight is between 100.01lb and 200lb inclusive
Quick Examples
Incremental Weights
Advanced Options
Shipping Override
Premium Rates