When you change the address type on the front end or admin panel, the shipping rates aren’t increasing/decreasing based on the address type.
Possible Solutions
There’s a few reasons this could happen. The list below addresses them starting with the most common to the least common.
Serial Key is Invalid
If the key is invalid, the extension will not work correctly. Make sure you’re following the instructions for serial keys.
Sql Has Failed to Run
Part or all of the SQL has failed to run for the extension. This will stop the extension being able to set the address type correctly.
Follow the re-run sql instructions and delete the entry from core_resource for desttype_setup.
The Address Configuration is Incorrect
If you don’t have the address type attribute set in the address template, then it won’t be picked up correctly. You can find this under System->Configuration->Customers->Customer Configuration->Address Templates
The entries for each should be:
Text: {{depend dest_type}}Address Type: {{var dest_type}}{{/depend}}<br/>
Text One Line: {{depend dest_type}}Address Type: {{var dest_type}}{{/depend}}<br/>
HTML: {{depend dest_type}}Address Type: {{var dest_type}}{{/depend}}<br/>
PDF: {{depend dest_type}}Address Type: {{var dest_type}}{{/depend}}<br/>
JavaScript Template: #{dest_type}<br/>
Extension Conflict
The extension is conflicting with another extension on your site. This will stop it from working correctly.
There’s a free tool available which does a pretty good job at finding these conflicts. Install this tool check if that’s the issue.
Core Overwrite
If you’re overriding the core FedEx or UPS file its possible the part of the code we rely on has been changed. You can check by connecting to your server and navigating to app/code/local/Mage/Usa
If you have files there, it’s likely you’ve altered code we rely on and will need some assistance getting that working with our code.