Restricting Shipping based on Shipping Group

In this article we will explain how to restrict the shipping for certain shipping groups when using the Shipping Calendar extension.

The first step is to create the rules within the CSV file that we would like to restrict:


As you can see in the below CSV file I want to restrict items marked with HEAVY from being delivered via the shipping method of ‘Standard Delivery’. I have also added the error= algorithm into this rule which will then mean I can display a custom error message for this scenario. For this scenario I have used an error message of ‘Heavy items are unable to ship via Standard delivery. Please call us’

Next step is to create the shipping group of ‘HEAVY’ and assign this to the item. This process can be found within our tutorial:


After these steps have been taken you will need to upload the CSV file and view the results as seen below:


In this screenshot you can see an item which is not assigned to a shipping group is able to be shipped via the shipping method of ‘Standard delivery’


In this screenshot you can see when an item in the ‘HEAVY’ group is present it is unable to ship and displays the error message which has been configured within the CSV file rule.


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