Using Shipping Calendar, it’s possible to define different pricing and availability rules per week as well as per time slot. This is achieved via the menu at Catalog->WebShopApps Delivery Date Shipping
Weekly Delivery Slots and Prices
This section of the extension allows you to define different shipping prices for different delivery slots. This price is added on to any price found in the CSV file.
This section also allow you to define how many deliveries can occur on each day. So for example if you want to allow an infinite number of deliveries Monday to Friday you would enter “-1″ for Monday through Friday slots. Then on Saturday say you want to only allow 20 deliveries, enter 20 for “Saturday Available Slots”. If you want to disallow Sunday deliveries for this timeslot then enter “0” for “Sunday Available Slots”.
Weekly Dispatch Slots
This area of the configuration allows you to define how many orders can be dispatched on each day. This is subtly different from delivery slots, this is the day the order is actually dispatched for delivery whereas delivery slots are the day the order is to be delivered. This would be used if for example your supplier imposes a maximum number of dispatches per day.
Weekly Available Shipping Methods
This tab will allow you to define which shipping methods are available on a weekly basis. So for example if you want to disallow Ground shipping on specific Saturdays throughout the year, you can define that here by choosing the “Week Commencing” under the Weekly Delivery Slots & Prices tab, and then deselecting Ground on Saturday for that week. Select multiple methods by holding the “cmd” or “ctrl” button on your keyboard when clicking on them.
Default Weekly Rules
It’s also possible to create a rolling, weekly rule. This will apply for all weeks. For example if you want to say that you can only take 100 orders per day every week you can use this area to define that. Simply leave the “” field blank and the extension will automatically create a new grid for each week so you can track how many orders have been taken/how many slots are available per day.