When creating your CSV file you will need to follow the below format. A template CSV file can be found at the below link:
Shipping Calendar Template CSV File
The destination fields (first 5 fields) also accept a wildcard value (*), this means anything not already defined. For example if you have a rule for GBR,USA,CAN and a rule for *, the * means any other country that’s not GBR,USA or CAN.
CSV Definition
Field Name | Description |
Country | ISO3 Country code this rate applies to.Multiple countries can be present on a single row (e.g. “GBR,FRA”) |
Region/State | Defined region code this rate applies to. |
City | Defined city. |
Zip/Postal code from | If using numeric ranges then set this to the number you wish the search to start from.If using pattern matching/UK then set this to the pattern you require. See below for more details on patterns available |
Zip/Postal code to | Only relevant if you are searching for purely numeric postcode ranges.Ensure Postcode Matching is set to Numerical Ranges or Both in admin. |
Shipping Group | The shipping group this rate applies to. This MUST be an exact match including capitalisation to what is in your Magento admin panel. |
Weight from | Starting weight at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a greater than field. |
Weight to | Ending weight at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a less than or equal to field |
Price from | Starting price at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a greater than field. |
Price to | Ending price at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a less than or equal to field |
Item from | Starting items at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a greater than field. |
Item to | Ending #items at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a less than or equal to field |
Customer Group | The customer group this rule applies to. Default is ‘*’ for all |
Shipping Price | Price of shipping |
Display On | The days when this shipping method can be displayed to the customer 1=Monday, 7=Sunday. For example if you want to show Saturday Delivery as an option on a Friday only then you would have a row with a price for Saturday Delivery and set the Display on Column to 5 (Friday). |
Algorithm | See article in this series on algorithms. |
Delivery Type | Text describing this shipping rate, as shown to the customer at checkout and estimator, e.g. “Standard 24h Service” |
Notes | Make notes here about the methods. Customers can’t see this. |
Here is a very simple example of how a CSV file should look: