Creating a CSV File

When creating your CSV file you will need to follow the below format. A template CSV file can be found at the below link:

Shipping Calendar Template CSV File

The destination fields (first 5 fields) also accept a wildcard value (*), this means anything not already defined. For example if you have a rule for GBR,USA,CAN and a rule for *, the * means any other country that’s not GBR,USA or CAN.

CSV Definition

Field Name Description
Country ISO3 Country code this rate applies to.Multiple countries can be present on a single row (e.g. “GBR,FRA”)
Region/State Defined region code this rate applies to.
City Defined city.
Zip/Postal code from If using numeric ranges then set this to the number you wish the search to start from.If using pattern matching/UK then set this to the pattern you require. See below for more details on patterns available
Zip/Postal code to Only relevant if you are searching for purely numeric postcode
ranges.Ensure Postcode Matching is set to Numerical Ranges or Both in admin.
Shipping Group The shipping group this rate applies to. This MUST be an exact match including capitalisation to what is in your Magento admin panel.
Weight from Starting weight at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a greater than field.
Weight to Ending weight at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a less than or equal to field
Price from Starting price at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a greater than field.
Price to Ending price at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all.  This field is a less than or equal to field
Item from Starting items at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all.  This field is a greater than field.
Item to Ending #items at which this shipping rate applies.Default is ‘*’ for all. This field is a less than or equal to field
Customer Group The customer group this rule applies to. Default is ‘*’ for all
Shipping Price Price of shipping
Display On The days when this shipping method can be displayed to the customer 1=Monday, 7=Sunday. For example if you want to show Saturday Delivery as an option on a Friday only then you would have a row with a price for Saturday Delivery and set the Display on Column to 5 (Friday).
Algorithm See article in this series on algorithms.
Delivery Type Text describing this shipping rate, as shown to the customer at checkout and estimator, e.g. “Standard 24h Service”
Notes Make notes here about the methods. Customers can’t see this.

Here is a very simple example of how a CSV file should look:


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