Specific Day Based Examples

1. Add a Surcharge for All Saturday Deliveries

This example shows you how to add a surcharge for all Saturday deliveries to all destination.

This can easily be done via the admin interface without editing the CSV file. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate within your Magento admin panel to Catalog->WebShopApps Delivery Date Shipping
  2. Click “Add Timeslot”.
  3. Choose the time slot you’d like this rule to apply to.
  4. Change “Saturday Base Ship Price” to 10 to add a $10 shipping price surcharge. Do not include a currency symbol, this should be numeric only.

Ship Cal Week Manager


2. Set Shipping Price for Specific Days within Given Postal Codes

This example shows you how to set the shipping price for specific days of the week and vary the shipping price based on the postal code. This will involve editing your CSV file. In this example I’m going to say:

  • I want to charge more for Saturday delivery if the postal code is between 90210-90215 and the state is CA. My other shipping method “Named Day Delivery” should remain the same price but not be shown on Saturdays in this area.
  • All other regions should only see “Named Day Delivery” and this will be the same price regardless of the day of the week selected for delivery.

This is how to implement the above requirement:

  1. Open your CSV file in your preferred editor, we recommend Open Office Calc.
  2. You will need to create a new row in the CSV file for the Saturday delivery. You can call the Delivery Type anything you like, in my example I’ll use “Saturday Delivery”.
  3. The rule you’ve just created will need to use the algorithm “incl=6″ to specify its only available on a Saturday. See here for more info on incl/excl:
  4. Now create a new rule for “Named Day Delivery”, this should be the same as the rule you’ve created in step 2 minus the “Delivery Type” naming. You will also need to use the algorithm “excl=6″ to exclude this method from Saturdays.

The CSV file for this example can be found at the link below:

Shipping Calendar Specific Day Example


3. Specific Number of Day Delivery

This example shows you how to offer delivery for a specific number of days from the current day. For example, you might want to offer a “Next Day Delivery” service which is only shown next day.

This involves editing your CSV file to add a new rule in. These are the steps you will need to follow:

  1. Open your CSV file in your preferred editor, we recommend Open Office Calc.
  2. Create a new row in the CSV file and call the “Shipping Description” something like “Next Day Delivery” and add in any other constraints like specific zip codes of weight ranges Next Day Delivery can apply to.
  3. The new rule should use the algorithm “lock_delivery=1” to define that it’s only available next day (1 day from the current date).

The CSV file for this example can be found at the link below:

Shipping Calendar Next Day Example

4. Days that do not match

When the quantity of days does not match between shipping methods the longer delivery time will be used. In this example when a product from the “TEST” shipping group and a product that is not assigned to a shipping group are in the cart together the longer delivery time of the two (three days) is used.


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