When a coupon code has been activated at the cart or checkout it shows the text Discount (coupon code). I would like to change the text inside the brackets to be more relevant to the customer.
The way in which you would change this text is by navigating to the promotional code through Promotions>Shopping Cart Price Rules. Once you have selected the coupon you would like to edit the text for, you need to click on the labels tab down the left hand side of the coupon configuration panel.
After you have click on this tab you will see the option ‘Default Rule Label for All Store Views’ next to this is a text box. This will be where you enter the desired text you would like to be shown at the cart and checkout process. Here is a screenshot of how it should look:
You will now need to save the configuration of the coupon code. After this has been saved you will now see the change in text at the cart: