Extension Configuration


The Handling Product shipping extension provides a shipping calculation solution for Magento websites, allowing shipping rates to be calculated using the following criteria:

  • handling fees are assigned at the product level
  • handling fees assigned as a set value or percentage 

Shipping Method Configuration

 Step Description
1 Enable Shipping Handling in System > Configuration > Shipping Methods > Webshopapps Shipping Handling 
2 Set maximum handling cost and default handling cost as required
3 Save Configuration
4 Check attribute sets have Shipping Group enabled and 3 added attributes are present – handling_price, handling_is_percent & handling_addon
(Note:If you have more than the Default attribute set you will need to amend these sets to have the Shipping Group and associated attributes)
5 Add handling prices to products as specified below
6 Run a test to ensure that the handling rates are being added to the shipping price
(Note: The easiest way to do this is either to enable/disable the method and see the difference or to setup flat rate shipping to have a cost of 0 per order)

Configuration Options

Function Definition
Enabled Switch Extension ON/OFF
Serial Key  Extension Authentication – Must always be present. Will blank out if serial key not accepted
Default Order Handling Cost  It is possible to set a default flat rate handling cost which applies if no products in the cart have a handling price defined for them
Maximum Handling Cost Within the Shipping Handling shipping settings you can set an overall maximum handling cost. If empty it will be ignored
Use Parent Shipping Group  Specifies if to use the handling price from the bundle/configurable parent product, or from the child simple products within
Add handling fee when Shipping Price is Zero Adds the handling fee when the shipping price is Zero
Add handling fee to Free Shipping Promotion Items If set to Yes will still add the handling fee for items that free shipping applies to
handling product admin

Product Configuration

To configure a product

 Step Description
Navigate to Catalog > Manage Products >Product Name
Select Shipping tab
Enter handling price
Enter additional item value
Choose percentage or price for additional items
handling product item

Handling Additional Items

By default the handling prices for each item in the cart are added together, if multiples of one item are present in the cart the handling fee is calculated as Number of items x Handling Fee

This behaviour can be changed by using the Handling Increment for subsequent items variable this will result in either:

  • the following items being charged a set handling fee if Calculate additional using percentage is set to NO
  • the following items being charged a percentage of the handling price if Calculate additional using percentage is set to YES


Need more functionality?

If you find that you want to charge different handling costs on a per destination basis, or on other criteria such as weight, price, customer group, etc, you may find the Handling Matrix extension a good option.

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